Mini Movers is a programme devised for children aged 0-5 years and is available in nurseries, pre-schools or as general community classes.
Following the EYFS framework (Early Years Foundation Stage), we ensure that children are learning and developing fundamental movement skills.
Our progressive programme includes Physical & Cognitive Development (in particular advancing fine motor skills), Balance, Co-ordination and much more.
We believe in teaching the values of a healthy lifestyle in a fun, accessible way using visual images and props. Children learn the importance and benefit of exercise, healthy eating and rest, which can all impact on their behaviour, also developing social skills with their friends.
The Mini Movers programme not only gets children moving, the session also gives good practise in listening, taking turns and following instructions - ideal preparation for when they start school.

With every year that passes, technology advances - our society is becoming ever more dependant on gaming, computers and television which subsequently leads to a more sedentary lifestyle. We are passionate about leading by example, our aim is to ‘Get Everyone Moving’ no matter what age or ability. We are educating parents, teachers, leaders who then in turn can help encourage children too - after all, they are the future!
Our creative environment and interactive atmosphere allows the children to flourish.
If you manage or work in a nursery or pre-school and would like to discuss the Mini-Movers programme further, please contact Elaine on 07889367357
Classes will run for four weeks on and two weeks off, priced at £20 per four-week block.
Please call 07889367357 for more information on locations, dates and times.